Thursday 29 September 2011

The Gospel According To Sam Beezley: Welcome to my new blog!

Well hello there!

As you can see, I've started a new blog. I didn't really finish the last one, I went to on a couple of occasions then I decided it was a bit funnier if I didn't finish it as it might have implied that the Year Abroad had actually killed me.

(It didn't.)

So here I am, with a new blog talking about how my Final Year is treating me. My timetable isn't terrible and I do get a 3 day weekend, but Thursday is a pretty sucky day. I start at 11 and finish at 5, but only actually have three hours of classes. This is why I've chosen to start a new blog - I'm waiting for my seminar, and I have nothing to do.

So you can expect to hear quite a bit about my life as a Finalist, living on campus in a last-ditch attempt to live like a true student.